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Seneca Valley School District

Public Support and Advocacy

Public Support & Advocacy

News articles and current events making an impact on Seneca Valley and public education will be posted here to keep our public informed. We are also providing contact information on our local and state representatives, and encourage you to use this information. We thank you for taking the time to learn more about what's happening in our School District and Commonwealth.


SV School Board approves technology resolution 

On Oct. 10, 2022, members of the Seneca Valley School Board approved a resolution supporting additional safeguards for internet and technology applications to protect our children. The resolution, approved unanimously by the board, will now serve as a guide for the District moving forward. Additional plans include engaging in discussions with students, staff and parents on the topic and determining if additional boundaries for student technology are needed in the interest of student safety. To read the resolution, please click here. 


SV School Board moves to retain 'Raider' name, retire mascot

On Monday, June 14, 2021, members of the Seneca Valley School Board approved a resolution retiring the use of the Native American mascot and all associated imagery.
As noted in the resolution, “that imagery no longer fulfills the intended positive purposes of a mascot or reflects favorably upon the Seneca Valley School District.”
The topic of moving away from the Native American imagery is certainly not a new one; however, this recent decision was brought about at Seneca Valley through a grassroots student project. Benaifer Sepai, a recent graduate, spent the better part of her senior year in 2020-21 researching the topic as part of her graduation project requirement. As member of the Seneca Valley Social Handprints Overcoming Unjust Treatment (SHOUT) Student Committee, she was galvanized by her findings and shared those with her fellow SHOUT members. They decided to join in on the effort and presented their vetted research to the School Board in April 2021. In addition to a historical review, their report included recorded interviews with local leaders of the Seneca Nation of Indians and National Congress of American Indians. You can view that student presentation here.
Board members, impressed by that effort and detailed findings, conducted their own research, and voted on June 14 to retain the Raider name but to retire the Native American imagery and mascot. The district will now oversee the development of a student committee to review and provide recommendations upon - and proposals for - consideration of a new Seneca Valley mascot. The Raider name will be retained to be used in conjunction with the new mascot, if adopted.
“I am in complete agreement with eliminating the Native American mascot and associated logo depictions and imagery as the people it was meant to honor are asking us not to honor them in that way,” said Eric DiTullio, Seneca Valley School Board President. “In my opinion, we are obligated to eliminate this imagery. And while I am disappointed, at the end of the day, a rendering of a Native American is not what defines this district.”
To view the school board meeting from June 14, you can do so at this link: School Board Meeting Regular Session 6/14/2021 - YouTube. The vote was 8-0 in favor of retiring the mascot, with one board member absent.

A target date for the provision of recommendations and proposals is Aug. 1, 2021, with the objective of soliciting input from the student body during the 2021-22 school year.


SV School Board approves resolution to sue JUUL Labs, Inc.:

On Monday, Nov. 9, 2020, the Seneca Valley School Board approved the commencement of a civil suit, as part of a multidistrict litigation, against JUUL Labs, Inc. and other distributors and marketers of vaping products arising from the design, marketing and advertising of vaping products targeting minors and, for such purpose, approve the contingent fee agreement with Frantz Law Group, APLC, Dillon McCandless King Coulter & Graham, LLP and Tucker Arensberg, P.C.
This litigation has been consolidated out of an action in San Francisco. Now that Seneca Valley has joined the effort, a complaint will be filed in a Pittsburgh Federal Court, and this case will join with the national litigation.
Retention of the national and two local law firms would be based on a contingent fee agreement.
There is no financial investment for the district to participate; the investment is limited to gathering and providing data specific to Seneca Valley.
The goal is to hold JUUL responsible for targeted marketing to youth.


SV School Board approves resolution calling for revision to flawed charter school funding system 

On Oct. 12, 2020, the Seneca Valley School Board voted in favor of passing a resolution that supports charter school funding reform so that school districts and taxpayers are no longer overpaying these schools or reimbursing for costs the charter schools do not incur. Click here to read the resolution.


SV School Board approves resolution calling for greater health regulations

On March 11, 2019, the Seneca Valley School Board voted in favor of passing a resolution that supports expanded health, safety and welfare regulations for SV students and the community regarding e-cigarettes. Click here to read the resolution.


SV School Board approves Flexible Instructional Days Resolution

On March 4, 2019, the Seneca Valley School Board voted in favor of a resolution to support the enactment of legislation codifying Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) into law. Click here to read the resolution.


SV Board adopts resolution opposing legislation

On April 16, 2018, the Seneca Valley School Board voted in favor of passing a resolution that demonstrated opposition to the Education Saving Account (ESA) Vouchers and Senate Bill 2. Click here to read the resolution.

On Dec. 1, 2015, the Seneca Valley Board of School Directors unanimously adopted a resolution opposing legislation which mandates backend referendum for property tax increases. Click here to read the resolution.


Education Funding in Pennsylvania


Advocacy Resource:
Partners for Public Education (PPE) was created to bring partners together, provide them with information about public education policy in Pennsylvania, and create connections with public schools in communities where Partners live. To join or learn more, visit


Keystone State Education Coalition
Established in 2006, the Keystone State Education Coalition is a growing grass roots, non-partisan public education advocacy group of several hundred locally elected, volunteer school board members and administrators from school districts throughout Pennsylvania. Their mission is to evaluate, discuss and inform our boards, district constituents and legislators on legislative issues of common interest and to facilitate active engagement in public education advocacy. To learn more, click on the link here:


Legislative Contacts:


Josh Shapiro
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
(717) 787-2500
Governor's Office ( 


State Representatives:

Stephenie Scialabba (District 12)
Cranberry Township Municipal Building
2525 Rochester Road, Suite 201
Cranberry Township, PA, 16066
(724) 772-3110
PA State Rep. Stephenie Scialabba ( 


State Senators:

Scott Hutchinson (District 21)
110 E. Diamond Street
Butler, PA 16001-5999
(724) 282-1234
FAX: (724) 282-6852

Elder Vogel Jr. (District 47)
488 Adams Street
Rochester, PA 15074
(724) 774-0444
FAX: (724) 773-7384



Mike Kelly (16th Congressional District) 
245 Pittsburgh Rd., Suite 300
Butler, PA 16001
(724) 282-2557
FAX: (724) 282-3682


U.S. Senators:

Dave McCormick
B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 228-5306 

John Fetterman 
B40B Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4254


Butler County Commissioners:

Leslie Osche
(724) 284-5101

Kim Geyer
(724) 284-5101

Kevin Boozel
(724) 284-5103