Seneca Valley Foundation Initiatives
Check out some of the incredible things the SV Foundation is proud to fund across the district:
Early Literacy for All
New Portuguese-Language books at Haine Middle School for English as a Second Language (ESL) students to enjoy classic novels like Charlotte’s Web and Harry Potter in their native tongue.
Mosaic Art at the SV Aquatics Center
An incredible piece of mosaic art was created by SV art students and staff under the guidance of local artist, Elizabeth Klevins. Check out the virtual unveiling of this beautiful piece here: SV Aquatic Center Mosaic Behind the Scenes - YouTube
Video credit - Dan McKosky
Learning Adventures
A trip to Westminster College for CVE first-graders to enjoy a live theatre performance of “The Gruffalo.”
Mural Art on the Senior High School
Art teacher, Jason Woolslare, emerged students in mural art education and transferred the outside of the Senior High School with this beautiful work. Mr. Woolslare also introduced Pittsburgh-based muralist, Ashley Hodder, to Seneca Valley students. Ms. Hodder provided demonstrations and art talks as she added an original piece to the growing mural installation.
Photo and Video credit - Jason Woolslare
Mural Creation - Time Lapsed Video