2024 Event
12th Annual Gift of Hope Golf Classic - August 1
If you are interested in golfing or sponsoring this event, please contact Annie Mersing at mersingam@svsd.net. Thank you!
The Seneca Valley Foundation is a private, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to encouraging excellence and innovation in the Seneca Valley Schools. The Foundation strives for this by seeking donations and patrons to facilitate the development of new capital projects, programs and scholarships, and is proud to say we have provided Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) mini-grants to assist students with high-intensity projects as part of the annual STEM Science Fair. The Foundation has also served as the sponsor of the Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Genetics Laboratory and funded the lettering and installation of the recently named Ryan Gloyer Middle School, as well as awarded several teacher mini-grants for classroom enrichment. On the elementary side, SVF has approved the donation of funds for our K-6 schools so they may purchase literacy materials for the classroom. Board members consist of stakeholders from local business leaders, community leaders and school leaders. As a non-profit organization, the Foundation is also utilized as a vehicle by which memorial and other charitable donations may be made to the Seneca Valley School District.