Board of Trustees
2022-23 Seneca Valley Foundation Board of Trustees
Ms. Julia Benson - Foundation Secretary and SV School Board Secretary
Ms. Dana Kirk - Foundation Treasurer and SV Business Manager
Mr. J. Victor Conrad - Independent Financial Advisor, Founder of PINNACLE Financial Strategies
Mr. Steve Fortunato - SV Applied Engineering and Technology Teacher
Ms. Amanda Kile - Chief Advancement Officer, The Children's Institute
Ms. Annie Mersing - Foundation Director of Development, SV Director of Advancement
Mr. Michael Ozdinec, Esq. - Ozdinec & Witzel, LLC
Dr. Marie Palano - SV Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Scott Phelps - Vice-President of Technology, Pittsburgh Steelers
Ms. Rosemary Piso - SV Title 1 Math Teacher, 5th Grade, Ehrman Crest Middle School
Dr. Jeff Roberts - SV Chemistry Teacher
Mr. Terry Shulsky, Esq. - Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney
Dr. Tracy Vitale - Foundation Executive Director and Seneca Valley Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Dean Walker - SV Gifted Teacher
Ms. Anastasa Williams, Esq.