Illnesses & Injuries
If your child gets sick at school...
If the illness is minor, your child may be able to return to class after an assessment by the school nurse. If there are any Covid-like symptoms, your child will need to go home and you will need to contact their doctor for guidance. Please see the parent screening tool for details on requirements to return to school.
Make sure you have updated the online portal with a phone number where you can be reached or the name and number of someone else who can come for your child.
If your child's injuries require care beyond first aid, you or the person you designated as an emergency contact on the portal will be contacted. Please keep this information up to date on the portal. Serious injuries can be very frightening for children, who may be even more frightened if we are unable to reach a parent or someone else they know.
If your child is returning to school after an injury, and is on crutches or has any other condition that may require assistance during the day, be sure to notify the school nurse so that any arrangements that are needed can be made.
Communicable Diseases
The following criteria have been established by the Pennsylvania Department of Health for exclusion of students demonstrating symptoms suggestive of specific communicable diseases and infectious conditions. Parents can assist in the control of communicable disease by recognizing symptomes and seeking medical care as indicated. These are the guidelines for return to school:
- Chicken pox: Six (6) days from the outbreak of the last crop of blisters, with all pox marks dried
- Impetigo Contagiosa: Twenty-four hours after initiation of appropriate treatment
- Infectious Conjunctivitis (pinkeye): 24 hours after initiation of treatment.
- Pediculosis Capititis (lice): May return to school after the first treatment. There should be no live lice anda reduction in the number of nits. The student will be re-examined for infestation by the School Nurse seven (7) days post treatment, or more frequently if new information is presented.
- Ringworm: Children with ringworm of the scalp must remain out of school from the end of the day until they have begun treatment with a prescription oral antifungal medication. Children with ringwork of the body must remain out of school from the end of the day until they have begn treatment with a topical antifungal medication.
- Scabies: Twenty-four (24) hours after treatment has been initiated.
- Strep throat: Twenty-four (24) hours after the institution of appropriate treatment.
- COVID-19: Follow Pennsylvania Department of Health guidance for return to school.