Gifted Evaluation & Identification Process
Screening and Identification Process for Gifted Students
The definition of giftedness comes from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania School Code.
“Mentally gifted is defined as outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both, not ordinarily provided in the regular education program.” (22 Pa. Code §16.1).
The regulations specify that a student may be identified as gifted with an IQ score of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria strongly indicate gifted ability and demonstrated need for specially designed instruction. The determination of giftedness must include an assessment by a school psychologist.
Requesting an Evaluation for Gifted Services
Parent Referral
Parent referrals for an evaluation for gifted services, in verbal or written form, can be communicated to any professional staff member. We encourage parents to submit their request in writing to the school principal. The special education office will then send a packet to the parent through the US Mail containing a “Permission to Evaluate” along with a parent input form. The Permission to Evaluate form must be completed and returned to the special education office to begin the evaluation process. Parents may request an evaluation for gifted education at any time.
Staff Referral
Staff referrals for gifted multi-disciplinary evaluation are made when a student demonstrates characteristics consistent with giftedness and/or academic performance that far exceeds that of other students in the general classroom. When it is determined that a teacher referral should proceed, the special education office will send a “Permission to Evaluate” form to the parent along with a parent input form through the US Mail. The “Permission to Evaluate” form must be signed and returned for the evaluation to proceed.
School District Screening
Seneca Valley annually reviews student information to identify students who may be mentally gifted and should be considered for a gifted evaluation using established procedures. This screening process fulfils the District’s responsibility to identify students who may need services or instruction that typically are not provided in general education. The district may initiate a referral for a gifted evaluation based on the data collected for screening. The special education office will send a “Permission to Evaluate” form to the parent along with a parent input form through the US Mail. The “Permission to Evaluate” form must be signed and returned for the evaluation to proceed.
For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.
Evaluation and Identification Process: Gifted Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation (GMDE)
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, every student being considered for gifted education is referred for an evaluation by a school psychologist, which includes the administration of an IQ test. All relevant information related to grades, achievement test scores, ability tests, teacher input, and parent input is gathered and considered as well. The IQ test requires no advance preparation and for Seneca Valley students is typically given at the student's school during the regular school day. A second assessment is likewise administered by a gifted support teacher, during the school day.
All of the information gathered in the evaluation is used to determine if the student meets the definition of mentally gifted. The school psychologist prepares a Gifted Written Report that is delivered to the parents after the evaluation is complete. The report includes recommendations about the need for gifted support.
If child meets the criteria for mentally gifted and demonstrates a need for specially designed instruction, then a Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP) meeting will be scheduled. The parents are formally invited to a meeting with the other members of the team to create a plan that meets the needs of their child. The GIEP team includes a general education teacher, gifted support teacher, person authorized by the district to commit resources, the parents of the child and if desired, the child. The GIEP developed is in effect for one year, at which point an additional meetings are scheduled to continue the services for the student.
For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.