Gifted Education Overview
Gifted Education Services
Elementary: K-6
A Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP), is created for each student served. The GIEP team determines goals for service that match the strengths of the student. GIEP meetings are held annually, or more often if revisions are needed. Gifted support teachers generally provide opportunities for enrichment through pull-out from the elementary regular education class. Partnership with the regular education teachers also allows for appropriate enrichment and acceleration within the classroom. Additional acceleration is considered as needed. For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.
A Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP), is created for each student served. The GIEP team determines goals for service that match the strengths of the student. GIEP meetings are held annually, or more often if revisions are needed. Gifted support teachers generally provide opportunities for enrichment through pull-out from the elementary regular education class. Partnership with the regular education teachers also allows for appropriate enrichment and acceleration within the classroom. Additional acceleration is considered as needed. For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.
Secondary: 7-12
The model for secondary service focuses on developing each gifted student's strengths and interests through the annual goals of the GIEP. Students can select activities or projects from a range of options in various academic areas. Each scenario is intended to build students' critical thinking, research, communication, and design skills. In addition to working on their individual scenario projects, many seventh and eighth graders are enrolled in the Purpose Enrichment class for one semester, which includes opportunities for literary analysis and discussion techniques as well as the individual project. Students' investigations often lead them to create authentic products and reach audiences beyond the classroom setting. For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.
The model for secondary service focuses on developing each gifted student's strengths and interests through the annual goals of the GIEP. Students can select activities or projects from a range of options in various academic areas. Each scenario is intended to build students' critical thinking, research, communication, and design skills. In addition to working on their individual scenario projects, many seventh and eighth graders are enrolled in the Purpose Enrichment class for one semester, which includes opportunities for literary analysis and discussion techniques as well as the individual project. Students' investigations often lead them to create authentic products and reach audiences beyond the classroom setting. For additional information, please contact Seneca Valley Student Services at (724) 452-6040 ext. 1750.