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Seneca Valley School District
On Feb. 14, 2008, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adopted Act 3 of 2008 to substantially amend Pennsylvania's public records law, known as the "Right to Know Law," which has governed the records request protocol for Commonwealth and local agencies since 1957.
Pursuant to the revised law, a record is defined as follows:
"Information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, that documents a transaction or activity of an agency that is created, received or retained pursuant to law or in connection with a transaction, business or activity of the agency. The term includes a document, paper, letter, map, book, tape, photograph, film or sound recording, information stored or maintained electronically and a data-processed or image-processed document."

All such records are deemed "public records" and are subject to disclosure unless the record:
  1. is not exempt under section 708 (which provides for 30 different classes of records that are exempt from disclosure);
  2. is not exempt from being disclosed under any other Federal or State law or regulation or judicial order or decree; or
  3. is not protected by a privilege
The Public Records Officers for Seneca Valley are the communications director and business manager. To submit a request, please fax (724-452-6105), U.S. Mail (124 Seneca School Rd., Harmony, Pa. 16037) or e-mail ( or a completed Open Records Form linked below.
Right-to-Know Request Form
Additional Information - PA Office of Open Records:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North St., Plaza Level
Harrisburg, Pa. 17120-0225
Ph: 717.346.9903