As the District moves forward with our STEM initiatives, we have identified five goals to help guide the development of our programs. As presented below, the goals are not prioritized. They are, however, numbered so as to allow a reference that ties activities and partnerships to individual goals later in this plan.
Increase STEM awareness and literacy for all stakeholders so all students can think critically in science, math, engineering and technology.
Provide quality professional development to staff in math and science instructional techniques so Seneca Valley students are provided rich instructional STEM experiences.
Expand STEM education and career opportunities for underrepresented groups, including women and minorities.
Provide opportunities for Seneca Valley students to participate in community-based experiences, including job-shadowing, internships, and mentorships in STEM professions.
Develop corporate and community partnerships with local and regional business, corporations, non-profit organizations and post-secondary institutions to support STEM initiatives in our schools.