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Seneca Valley School District

Student Training Materials

Student Training Materials
PA Online Tutorials
The PA Online Tutorials have been created for each assessment and are designed to be used by students at all grade levels. The tutorials use pictures, motion, and sound to present visual and verbal descriptions of the properties and features of the PA Online Assessment System. To view the tutorials, click on the link below:

PA Online Tools Training
The PA Online Tools Training (OTT) is designed to provide an introductory experience using the online assessment software in preparation for taking the Keystone Exams. This allows students to become familiar with testing on a computer and allows them to experiment with the features available during an actual test. Two versions of the OTT are available – a public version and a secure version. The secure version is automatically downloaded when the District Technology Coordinator downloads the testing software. To view the public version, click on the link below:

PA Online Tools Training 

The username and password are on the login screen.

Note: If a student needs to practice with the audio or color accommodations, add“audio” or“color” after the username (i.e., OTTAlg1audio).