Future Ready PA Index
Future Ready PA Index
To inform citizens with additional information about Pennsylvania’s public schools, the Future Ready PA Index (FRPAI) was developed to provide a comprehensive overview of school success. The Pennsylvania Department of Education officially launched the FRPAI as an online platform in November 2018, giving the public access to information and statistics about every public school in Pennsylvania. FRPAI gives interested citizens the ability to compare schools’ performance and view progress measures related to school and student success.
All standard criteria and details describing the content of the FRPAI are outlined in the PA Consolidated State Plan. In the FRPAI, annual achievement and growth measures, based on PSSA and Keystone results, are organized and reported by all student group and subgroup populations. The content and structure of the site make it easy for anyone to view the percentage of the population (state and public schools) meeting proficiency on statewide assessments and whether schools are meeting, exceeding, or failing to meet statewide goals. These and other evidence-based indicators of the FRPAI are divided into three main categories:
- State Assessment Measures
- On-Track Measures
- College and Career Measures
For more information about the FRPAI, please visit the PDE website.
To view public school data on the Future Ready PA Index website, please visit the FRPAI website.