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Seneca Valley School District

Proficiency Scales

Seneca Valley Report of Student Progress Proficiency Scale Descriptors

Each Proficiency Scale represents an end of year learning target. 

The proficiency scale (specific to each essential standard) will be used throughout the school year when teachers assess student learning as it relates to the entire standard.  

Teachers will utilize a proficiency scale (specific to each essential standard) to report student progress for each trimester. 

Parents can access grade level proficiency scales for each standard that teachers will report on in the Parent Portal. 

The template below provides general information about the content expanded upon for each essential standard (end of year learning target). 




With help, the student demonstrates partial understanding of the standard (progressing and meeting content). The student requires extra time, assistance and/or intervention to progress toward the standard. 


The student is progressing toward consistently and independently meeting the standard. (Foundational skills necessary for proficiency.)


The student consistently and independently demonstrates an understanding of the standard. (Essential standard/end of year learning target)


In addition to meeting the standard, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and application that go beyond what was explicitly taught. 


Not assessed at this time


Beginning indicates the student can demonstrate some knowledge or skill, typically with the help of the teacher. The Beginning category does not contain specific content. The Beginning category indicates that the student can demonstrate some knowledge or skill with help from the teacher, but not independently.  

Progressing describes the simpler content; the prerequisite skills/foundational knowledge that students will need to know before demonstrating proficiency (Meeting). This content supports students’ progression toward proficiency (Meeting).   

Meeting articulates the overall goal of the proficiency scale; it defines the essential standard that teachers expect students to know and be able to do. 

Exceeding provides students the opportunity to demonstrate a level of understanding beyond what was explicitly taught by applying their knowledge in new situations.